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Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture & Registered Massage Therapy
in Kelowna, BC.
What we do.
Acupuncture in Kelowna
Working with your body’s innate ability to heal, acupuncture can unblock stuck energy or bring energy to areas of deficiency. We customize each treatment to your specific needs.
Chinese Herbal Medicine
At Acupuncture Kelowna we work with the ancient methods of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) to correct underlying imbalances. Each Chinese herbal blend is unique to you.
Cupping & Gua Sha
Cupping and Gua Sha are excellent ways to correct soft tissue imbalances. Both are effective for chronic and acute pain and injuries.
Chinese Medicine
Specializing in…
Acupuncture for Hormones
Autoimmune Disorders
Acupuncture for Pain
Neurological Disorders
Anxiety & Stress
Registered Massage Therapy
Specializing in…
Neurokinetic Therapy
Corrective Exercise Training
Pregnancy Massage
Movement Assessment
Soft Tissue Release
Visceral Massage
Our Latest Blogs
The use of Chinese Medicine and acupuncture to regulate hormonal function dates back over 2,000 years, as documented in early medical texts. At Acupuncture Kelowna, we apply this established knowledge, employing targeted acupuncture and customized Chinese herbal therapy to address the distinct needs of each patient. Our approach offers proven results and solutions for conditions such as perimenopause, menopause, and hormonal dysregulation.
Acupuncture For Indigestion
According to the Mayo clinic, indigestion is defined as 'discomfort in your upper abdomen.' While they list diet changes and medication as treatment options, Acupuncture and herbal medicine are incredibly effective for the treatment of indigestion. As a professional acupuncturist and Chinese Herbalist I see and treat indigestion often. I can say that Acupuncture is an incredibly effective way to treat all digestive disorders.
We have over 18 years of experience helping women balance hormones, using Chinese Herbal Medicine, lifestyle adjustments, and Acupuncture.
We have successfully treated: infertility, PCOS, Menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes, heavy periods, short periods, irregular periods, painful periods, and PMS (Pre-menstrual syndrome).
Regulating the Menstrual Cycle with Acupuncture
Treating and regulating the menstrual cycle with acupuncture has a long history in China. It's one of the areas where acupuncture and Chinese Medicine thrive. Little is known, from a western perspective, on how this happens. However, there have been some preliminary studies. They show that acupuncture can regulate the menstrual cycle via endogenous regulatory systems including the sympathetic nervous system, endocrine, and neuroendocrine system. For your curiosity here is a study that was done showing the "Efficacy of acupuncture on menstrual frequency in women with polycystic ovary syndrome."
If you have a recent ICBC claim in Kelowna, BC you may be eligible for Acupuncture treatments.
New ICBC claims are entitled to 12 Acupuncture treatments within 3 months of your accident.
Acupuncture has proven benefits for pain and inflammation and can assist you while you recover from the injuries you have sustained.
Acupuncture is also helpful in the treatment of anxiety, concussion and PTSD post Motor Vehicle Accident.
The acupuncturists in our clinic are registered and are also able to assist you with cupping and gua sha.
How Acupuncture can help with Stress Relief
Stress relief is one of the major benefactors of acupuncture. While there is an extensive (3000+ years) background showing how acupuncture can help with stress relief, new research is emerging showing us how this works from a biomedical approach as well.
This Study details the clinical effectiveness with various autonomic disorders including, but not limited to: blood pressure, heart rate, and even heart rate variability. Heart rate variability is a fascinating and recent discovery that tells us how well we are adapting to stress. This Harvard article explains how.
Ailments we have treated with acupuncture, chinese herbal medicine & massage therapy
Irregular menses
Painful menses
Acupuncture for fertility
Heavy periods
Thyroid disorders
Yeast infections
Hormonal Imbalances
Acupuncture for IBS
Excessive bloating & gas
Abdominal Pain
Chronic digestive disorders
Yeast overgrowth
Food allergies and intolerances
Emotional health
Adrenal fatigue
Sleep disorders
Acute Pain
Chronic Pain
Acupuncture for lower back pain
Acupuncture for neck pain
Headaches & Migraines
Musculoskeletal problems
Soft tissue damage
Seasonal allergies
Food allergies and intolerances
Autoimmune hepatitis