How Acupuncture Can Help Stress
At Acupuncture Kelowna we treat all types of stress & anxieties.
Acupuncture for Stress Relief
Stress relief is one of the major benefactors of acupuncture. While there is an extensive (3000+ years) background showing how acupuncture can help with stress relief, new research is emerging showing us how this works from a biomedical approach as well.
This Study details the clinical effectiveness with various autonomic disorders including, but not limited to blood pressure, heart rate, and even heart rate variability. Heart rate variability is a fascinating and recent discovery that tells us how well we are adapting to stress. This Harvard article explains how.
Here are three ways acupuncture helps with stress relief
When acupuncture needles are inserted into acupuncture points, they open up the flow of Qi or vital energy in the body. This means that communication around the body and within the body systems improves. When we are stressed the Qi has a tendency to stop flowing as well.
According to Chinese Medical theory, the Liver organ systems, and their associated resonances, act as the first line of defense against stress. Luckily, the Liver and acupuncture seem to have a deep affinity for one another. This is likely because the liver's spontaneous flow of energy in nature is outward, or forward. Often when people are feeling stuck in life, it’s their Liver Qi that needs to get moving.
It balances the body as a functional whole. Meaning it gets all our systems working efficiently so your body's natural rhythms are operating in proper time.
How we treat stress and anxiety at Acupuncture Kelowna
This is what a typical acupuncture session looks like.
We begin with a lengthy intake where we collect information. We will ask about:
Family history
Personal life history and relevant events
Ask about most or all of your systems (Digestive, Menstrual, Circadian, etc). This helps us get to the root cause of your issues and informs our diagnosis and treatment.
If you have any questions or would like to book an appointment please don’t hesitate to contact us.
With love from Kelowna, BC.