Icbc | Kelowna | Acupuncture

New ICBC claims in Kelowna are entitled to 12 Acupuncture treatments within the first 3 months of your accident. 

In 2019 ICBC and British Columbia’s premier Acupuncture association (ATCMA) struck a deal entitling people involved in motor vehicle accidents in Kelowna, BC to 3-months’ worth of treatment. ICBC will pay $123 for your initial assessment and $104 for follow-up appointments. The Acupuncturists at Acupuncture Kelowna will direct bill to ICBC. At our clinic, you are required to pay the remaining balance of; $27 for the initial consultation and $6 for follow-up appointments.

Acupuncture helps with pain, inflammation, and injuries related to MVAs (motor vehicle accidents). It can also help with PTSD, concussion, and anxiety caused by or related to MVAs. At Acupuncture Kelowna we have expertise in treating each of these. Your practitioner may vary depending on what is most concerning to you. 

Paula has been an acupuncturist for 17 years and commonly works with anxiety, PTSD, pain and concussion-related accidents. 

How Acupuncture works with ICBC-related injuries in Kelowna. 

Acupuncture is the insertion of tiny needles into specific points to stimulate the body’s innate healing mechanism. When we experience a physical or emotional trauma it causes the body’s blood and energy systems to stop flowing effectively. This leads to pain including; back pain, neck pain, headaches, hip and limb pain, and discomfort, and if left untreated can cause more damage and disease such as; anxiety, insomnia, digestive disruption ie. indigestion, IBS, etc., and even hormonal dysregulation. 

Western studies have found that acupuncture works on pain in part by initiating endorphin release as well as by regulating the immune system. These studies aren’t inclusive of the other reasons acupuncture treats pain. Initial studies out of Harvard have also confirmed that Acupuncture works on the adrenal cortical system, which can have many benefits to the system including improving sleep and anxiety. 

When booking an ICBC appointment in Kelowna at our Acupuncture clinic please select the ICBC initial appointment for the practitioner you want to work with. In your intake form, there is an area for you to enter your ICBC claim number. We will also need the date of your accident in order to direct bill. It is recommended that you book 3-4 follow-up appointments 1 week apart as practitioners’ schedules can get quite full. 

Please note that you may be required to top up the fee’s depending on each practitioner. Please email or call us if you have questions about this. 

We look forward to working with you. 

Paula, Jadd & Stephanie @ Acupuncture Kelowna. 


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