Balancing Hormones with TCM Acupuncture
There is a long history, dating back over 2000 years, balancing hormones with TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) and acupuncture. At Acupuncture Kelowna, we have treated hundreds of patients with hormone irregularities.
These include:
Painful Cycles (dysmenorrhea)
Heavy Bleeding
Short Cycles
Irregular Cycles
PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome)
Hot flashes
PMS (Premenstrual Syndrome - which includes mood disruption, anxiety, digestive upset, breast tenderness, etc.)
Hormones are complex. There are many reasons why they can become imbalanced. In Chinese Medicine, there is a saying "One disease, many causes, one cause, many diseases." Getting to the underlying pattern is our number one concern. Here is a video of one of the most common causes of hormone imbalance in Chinese medicine; Blood deficiency.
Balancing Hormones with TCM and Acupuncture
We have 2 skilled practitioners at Acupuncture Kelowna
Paula has been treating people in the Okanagan for over 12 years. Many of her clients include women of all ages and backgrounds who are seeking a more holistic way to balance hormones. Treatment with her includes lifestyle and dietary changes, as well as Chinese Herbal Medicine (when applicable) and regular acupuncture sessions.
Chinese Herbal Medicine is specially formulated to suit your personal needs and imbalances. She mixes each custom formula in the clinic using raw Chinese herbs that have been properly sourced.
Jadd has been treating people in Kelowna, BC for 5 years. He has helped women achieve hormone balance through lifestyle and dietary changes as well as regular acupuncture treatment.
He is always upgrading his understanding of acupuncture and practices a unique style that seeks to balance the whole system.
Start balancing hormones with TCM and Acupuncture today
If you are in Kelowna, BC, and are interested in seeking treatment from either Paula or Jadd you can book an appointment here.
If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to email us via the email link below.